New Water Treatment Chemical PFZSS Preparation and Application

Qilin Liu*
College of Tea and Food Science, Wuyi University, Wuyishan 354300, Fujian, China

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Nowadays global water quality pollution has become extremely serious, and solving water pollution has been extremely urgent, so researches on water pollution solutions have become even urgent. And flocculating method is the most traditional water purification method, research and create new high performance flocculating agent is one of flocculating method inherent problems. The paper mainly describes adding iron, zinc two kinds of metal captions together in polysyllabic acid, well controlling all aspects requirements in technology, researching and creating new water purification substance—poly iron and zinc silicate sulfate flocculants (PFZSS). PFZSS making method is weighting proper amount sodium silicate into container, and meanwhile putting it into water to dissolve, then utilizing dilute euphoric acid and sodium hydroxide to adjust silicic acid solution pH value and arrive at regulated scope, letting it to activate and arrive at certain time, slowly importing activated proper silica acid solution into moderate iron sulfate and zinc sulfate on the condition of fully blending, and finally putting and curing for a while. And implement experiment research on how mixed solution metal cations matching; making method, pH value, and silicon dioxide concentration these factors affect PFZSS overall performance. PFZSS application mainly takes catering industry sewage solution as an example to get PFZSS has very strong absorption capacity, owns good cleaning effects on extremely turbid catering industry treatment sewage COD and turbidity acquiring, its reaction formed flock density is great, sedimentation rate is very fast, so PFZSS will have great application prospects in the aspect of treating urban sewage.

Keywords: PFZSS, technological application, water purification, sewage solution.